A Good Way of Life

Mike and the kids make fun of me because I love A Prairie Home Companion.  Always have. Always will. And every Sunday from 10-12 when I tune in, all I hear from my family is stuff like “turn that @#*&^ off,” accompanied by big eye rolls and aggressive station changing.  Pee-shaw!  Who cares what they think.  PHC has been around almost continually since 1974 and 4 million other folks just happen to agree with me:  It’s one of the most special programs on radio, a throwback to simpler times. Founder and host Garrison Keillor said, “When the show started, it was something funny to do with my friends, and then it became an achievement that I hoped would be successful, and now it’s a good way of life.” This Saturday, my pal Barbara S. and I are going to see Mr. Keillor and the whole Prairie Home gang perform the show live at the Fox Theatre in ATL. Guy Noir, Dusty and Lefty, Lake Wobegon, here we come.

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  1. I love it, too. Letty loved it also. And, Alexa is trying to get me to go to Tanglewood this summer to see the live show in the Berkshires. So, I think you are keeping good company with your appreciation of PHC. Am listening to the Atlanta show now and sharing it with you. Love you, Dolly
  2. I love it, too. Letty loved it also. And, Alexa is trying to get me to go to Tanglewood this summer to see the live show in the Berkshires. So, I think you are keeping good company with your appreciation of PHC. Am listening to the Atlanta show now and sharing it with you. Love you, Dolly

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