Doesn’t it make you just oh-so happy when clients plan meetings near pretty places?

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For our mom friends, here’s a powerful piece about finding those happy moments, even on your toughest days — Top Tips for Happiness in Motherhood.

Check out Positively Positive and tell a friend.

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the south is where his heart is

Thom Driver came into my life around 2000. Our agency was just over a year old and we had made the big decision to move into a newly renovated warehouse space in the FloatAway district in Atlanta. We hired this great gal and her company to paint the giant walls and I walked into the space as painting got underway to meet the gang and there was Thom, sitting cross-legged on the floor, painting a wall peacefully, just having the most interesting conversations with everyone around him, as he always does. At that time, his floral design business, Root, was also taking off and we ended up working together on a number of fun projects over the years. We knew then, as we know now, that he was an amazing talent. Then Thom lit out for New York City and we lost touch. But by pure coincidence we reconnected last month when I saw an acknowledgement for Thom in the new Beekman 1802 Heirloom Cookbook. “Well, of course Thom would be in here,” I thought, smiling to myself. I emailed authors Brent and Josh at Beekman Farm that very day and asked if they could put me in touch with Thom, and within two hours I got an email from him. The next day we met up near Dylan’s Candy Store in New York for coffee, and we probably chatted there for about two hours.

Today, Thom’s a successful stylist based in NYC and he’s done work with Louis Vuitton, Elle Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Life, Saveur, Garden and Gun, Country Living (check out the November pie cover…that’s his!), Bergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth Avenue and, oh, so much more. You can see more of his work here. But soon Thom will be expanding his business down South again. His firm, Driver-Phillips with friend Kim Phillips, will be launching soon (details to come) and they’ve already got a gig with Miller Union and more.

One of the best parts about our line of work is the amazing talent we come in contact with, and we can’t wait to start working with Thom again. I caught up with him one Sunday morning by phone for this interview and we chatted, laughed, sipped coffee and shared our dreams for almost an hour. Read on for some highlights. 🙂

Over a year ago, you took a ‘Radical Sabbatical’ at the Beekman Farm in Sharon Springs, N.Y. What did you bring back from that experience?

I feel really lucky. It was just a chance meeting and when I met Josh Kilmer-Purcell and Dr. Brent Ridge we had talked about our love of country and they knew I wanted to have some sort of farm life but still live in the city. I was at a point in my life and career that I was desperate to just go garden, play and be in nature. They invited me to come up to the Beekman Farm and be their first “Radical Sabbatical” intern. I had never taken that much time off but I did it. I looked at it as kind of artist residency. Brent and Josh are both so sincere and passionate. Even though they’ve become well known through Beekman 1802 and their Planet Green show, “The Fabulous Beekman Boys,” really all of their efforts are just a means to an end, so they can have that country life they love.

What did you love about the experience?

The place is amazing and the community there blew my mind. For me, just taking care of the gardens and the yards for the entire summer was truly incredible. They can literally grow and have everything they want for the entire year. It was so much work and so much commitment but the most gratifying work I’ve ever done—I never felt so happy and satisfied. Being able to haul out of the garden what you’re having for dinner at night, well, that’s as rewarding for me as shooting the cover of GQ magazine.

What was your job like at the Beekman?

I got up around 4:30 a.m. every day. We’d do stuff around the shop (Beekman 1802 in Sharon Springs) then I’d head out to the farm to work in the garden. We just did so many things, like dusting the cheese in the cheese caves and packing it. The connection I feel for those guys is so special. I fell in love with Beekman the way I love the South but, of course, I love the South more because it’s my heart and ultimately where I want to be.

What is it about country life that appeals to you most?

For me, it’s just so necessary. It’s the way I reboot and get inspired to get back to the “real” part of my life. Right now, I’m just trying to figure out what my life will eventually look like. I love the contrast of a city-country life, and being able to recharge yourself in the country. I think for some of us, it’s just a part of who we are. But I also know that right now I need a business to fulfill that dream, to be able to buy some land, sustain it and everything else. I have so much respect for people who are truly farmers. It’s such a commitment and a way of life. Anyone who can actually do it and make it all work, well, I have such respect for them. Eventually, though, I think the country life will take over for me.

You did the photo styling for the just-published Beekman 1802 Heirloom Cookbook. How much fun was that?

Such a beautiful and incredible experience. Paulette Tavorima was the photographer and Paul Grimes was the food stylist. For me it was amazing because Paulette, who also shoots for Sotheby’s, creates the most beautiful photos—they look like little Dutch still lifes.

This was her first cookbook shoot ever. It was very special working with her. We used a lot of old dishes and antiques. For me personally, I adore covered dishes and one day hope to do a cookbook featuring them. I love the randomness of old dishes and what a covered dish supper means. Those kind of meals are so special.

Because this is truly an heirloom cookbook, it was based on the idea of recipes and dishes passed down through generations of families. The book has places for notes, index cards, your own ideas—it’s a true heirloom cookbook. We used a mixture of family treasures, heirlooms, from everyone involved in the project. The result is a keepsake that is truly original and authentic.

Do you hope to have your own farm one day? What would it look like?

Oh my gosh, yes! It would look like a horse barn. On a good five acres or so. It would have the most amazing flower garden. It’d be really simple and easy to manage and a place that sustains itself. And as green as possible. It would be a simple sanctuary from my city life. And it would be in the South!

What gets you through the hardest days?

For me, it’s having another goal. While I love my career and what I do, every day I feel so lucky I get to be a stylist. Even on my worst days, I’m still thrilled to be able to work with some of the best photographers in the world. But still, I have this other dream; that’s what gets me through. Don’t get me wrong. I love living and working where I do; it’s such a privilege to be able to live on the city island of Manhattan. My place in the East Village is like a little bird’s nest up looking up to the sky. But what gets me through difficult challenges always is nature.

What have been some of your favorite styling projects so far?

In terms of soul-fulfilling, my all-time favorite project was with Natalie Chanin of Alabama Chanin. For this project we created a mini food story/book for Natalie’s clothing line, and we traveled all around Alabama making this oral history with the Southern Foodways Alliance. It was life-changing. I met so many beautiful, random people—like the woman who was rolling out peach dumplings on her kitchen table using only a can. And this incredible farm that had 300 acres with the most amazing food ever. Whenever I get to produce my own food shots, it’s always centered around friends and family. So many memories come from these simple country farm moments. There’s a true appreciation for it, a community coming together around the love of food and family.

What are some of the things you love most about New York City?

I consider myself a New Yorker now, but I still feel like such a newbie at times. This city is unique and has its own rules. You can’t compare it to anything else. It’s so diverse. You can literally be standing on a street corner and be surrounded by people who are not at all like you. Everyone is different and that doesn’t happen in many parts of the world. But it happens here. And that’s why New York is so appealing and seductive, and why many people choose to stay.

But when you get outside of New York City, you find it’s not that different from the South. That’s what was so cool about going to Sharon Springs last summer. It reminded me of the South. Nice, hard-working people…a real sense of community. People who work the land. All you have to do is cross the bridge to find those connections.

What are some of the things you love most about the South?

Roots–simply that. It’s where my heart is, my family is. It truly defines me as a person.

What are your plans to expand your styling business down South?

For Driver-Phillips, we’re thinking about creating this unique showroom that’s a place for us to do all the things that we do: styling, design, decorating, floral, events, photo shoots. It’ll be a conceptual showroom that captures everything under our styling business. This is kind of hard to describe but it’ll be a hub for all of our ideas. We love doing so many things; it’s a bit of a challenge to put a label on it, which is exactly why we’re so excited!

Would you change anything about your life right now?

I wouldn’t trade it for a second. It’s the life I’ve always wanted. I could have stayed in Atlanta and had a successful career there, but in New York you can be anything. I was so lucky to have found an agent that understood me—he just got it immediately and we’ve been together six years.

Tell us about Chicky.

Chicklet Driver (a 12-year-old pug) is the love of my life. I’ve never loved anything more.  She’s my support, my unconditional love. She’s a rescue; I got her when I lived in Cabbagetown in Atlanta. She made the move to New York with me. Yes, she’s a southern girl at heart and she had to get used to things like wearing sweaters in winter and little booties when we go for a walk in the park or out on the ice and salt, but she’s totally adjusted now and is such the little city dog. But like me, she can easily go back to being a country dog. She knows the word “farm” by heart and pricks up her ears whenever she hears me say it and then she’s ready to go!


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at rest

Was catching up with a friend yesterday and we were talking about how do you give yourself permission to really “rest” when it seems like everybody around you wants or needs something (right! now!). Whether it’s a day, a week, a month or a year, most of us feel at least a little bit guilty when we slip away to allow our brains and bodies a little R&R. How nice, then, to stumble upon an article today featuring Senator Joe Lieberman’s book, “The Gift of Rest.” A couple of  months ago while traveling with a client, we ran smack dab into Sen. Lieberman at Reagan National, and what stood out most to us that morning was the senator’s big smile and genuine happiness–just walking through the terminal chatting it up with TSA officials and travelers. He seemed glad to stop and talk with everyone he met. “How refreshing,” I remember thinking, “and he’s not even running for office.” Then we hurried outside to find our ride.

Now, we’re not Jewish, and this post isn’t a political statement, but we thought the spirit of this book was worth a share. Here’s to finding the gift of rest on your own “Sabbath.”

“The Sabbath is an old but beautiful idea that, in our frantically harried and meaning-starved culture, cries out to be rediscovered and enjoyed by people of all faiths.” – Senator Joe Lieberman


See the senator discuss his book on CNN.


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‘live in the moment more’ – a conversation with laurie mobley


This fall has been really hectic at work. For the most part it’s been good, but there were a few touch-and-go days where tensions rose and we questioned our ability to keep up the pace. Luckily we did — but the past few weeks got me thinking about stress-management and the “How’s Your Oxygen?” series we occasionally post here. What great timing that an old friend, Laurie Mobley, stepped in with some positive thoughts to share on how she survives the crazy times. I first met Laurie just after Adrian was born and I was returning from maternity leave. Her sweet laugh is what I remember most — it was the first thing I heard before we even shook hands — and I can still hear her laughter in my head these many years later. Today, Laurie’s a busy working mom who lives in Virginia with her husband and two young boys. She’s had an impressive career so far, and I’m happy to have been a small part of it in the early years. But mostly I’m just happy to call her my friend. Read on to learn a little bit more about what makes this great lady tick.

Some Time with Laurie Mobley

Vice President, BRG Communications

Washington, D.C.


Two young boys – how do you keep up?

Once James (now 2) came along, I realized I was along for the ride!  I’ve learned to let a lot go– my boys make big messes, climb and tumble + fall. Depending on the day, our house and cars can be in a state of chaos that I would not have imagined pre-kids. Our kids thrive with a predictable routine – time outside (they need to run off energy!), bedtime and morning rituals keep the family going. My favorite time is reading to each of them before bed…trucks, dinosaurs, Where the Wild Things Are, we cover it all.

What are some tips for juggling a pressure-cooker career and parenting?

Since becoming a mom, I have a new appreciation for the saying “this too will pass.”  While it’s true for tough times even if you don’t believe it in the moment, it’s also true for those incredibly happy moments and milestones. It all goes by so fast.

Most of us live with a certain level of multi-tasking. When I’m able to be in the moment at work and at home, I’m more focused all around. I think that you have to accept the juggle, lose the comparisons (Super Woman doesn’t exist), find work that really gets you excited and an environment where you can thrive. With BRG, I was lucky to join a firm that realizes that the lives we live outside the office matter too.

Name five things that inspire you. 

A Beautiful View:  My office overlooks the Potomac. Taking a little time to enjoy the view matters more than I ever would have thought. This goes double for beaches, mountains, sunrises.

Trying Something New:  It takes more planning now, but trying a new restaurant, a weekend getaway or even something different at the farmer’s market gives me a boost.

Quiet:  I love the time before the rest of my household wakes up – quiet is rare and inspiring.

Serendipity:  I’m inspired by those times when you run into a person you were thinking about or you happen to be in the right place at the right time. I like to be open to those moments because everything happens for a reason.

My Boys’ Laughter:  Simply no better sound in the world.

Who’s had the most influence on your life?

My stepfather, George, was an incredibly positive influence on me growing up – he was larger than life, a natural story-teller with a big heart. He worked as a political consultant, loved government and making a difference. From the time I was 7 years old, we would talk about current events over Sunday breakfast and watch “Meet The Press.” He taught me to always be curious and have a point of view. George encouraged me to take my liberal arts degree to work in NYC right after college. When I told him that the agency openings were in healthcare or technology, he said try healthcare. You’ll like it and healthcare is always going to be a part of the national conversation. Nearly 20 years later, he’s still right!

He passed away when I was 28. I still think of him every time I face a big decision. His advice was always the same: “Get out your pad, weigh the pros and cons, decide and move on.” It’s advice I still follow today.

What gets you through the craziest times?

October was one of those full-throttle months with work travel, family commitments and back-to-back house guests. While I’m always tempted to drop any extras when life gets crazy, this time I planned ahead (not always possible) and got myself to yoga classes both in town and while traveling. It made such a difference on my outlook and my energy level. It doesn’t have to be yoga – it’s finding some quiet for yourself amid the crazy that always comes. I’ve already booked more classes, looking ahead to the holiday frenzy!

What do you miss most about living in the South?

Of course, I should say my family and friends in Atlanta (and that’s certainly true) but what came to mind immediately is the food.  Some people consider Virginia “Southern,” but true Southern food is missing from the area. From BBQ, homemade pimento cheese, sausage cheese balls or red velvet cake and chocolate ice box pie…food from the “deep South” means comfort and home to me. We have an annual chili party and I order the best ham biscuits and Bloody Mary mix from Charleston (; now everyone requests them! That’s one of the reasons I love this blog – you have great Southern recipes (that are simple enough for me to try!).

What do you love most about living near Washington, D.C.?

It’s really the best of all worlds, especially for families looking for distractions – in D.C., you have free museums (Air and Space and Natural History are our go-tos at the moment) and monuments. If you take a short drive, you’re in the Virginia countryside or hiking along Great Falls.

Last question. What advice would you give your younger self?

I could write a laundry list on this one and would say much of what you talk about here on Our Green Acres – that is, let go of the expectations and you’ll enjoy life a lot more. Lighten up, say yes to every chance to travel and live in the moment more. Everything will come in time.


To read more How’s Your Oxygen profiles, just search “Oxygen” on this blog.


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