for the life of the prairie

I recently had the pleasure to attend the annual gala of the Prairie Dog Coalition during a trip to Boulder, where we met the incredible Lindsey Sterling Krank, who serves as the Coalition’s director.

This week a pair of sterling silver earrings, made with green amethyst and peridot, arrived in the mail from Lindsey. They’re from Cowboy’s Sweetheart in Boulder. I forgot we had bid on them during the gala’s silent auction (let’s just say there was some good Malbec flowing). But we happily paid up because this group does incredibly important work. A division of The Humane Society of the United States, the Prairie Dog Coalition is dedicated to the protection of imperiled prairie dogs and the restoration of their habitats–one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world. If you’re like us (and most folks), you’ve probably never pondered the plight of the prairie dog. Please read more at their website and consider supporting this group’s tireless efforts in some small way. Here’s an easy way: Purchase Zack the Prairie Dog as a holiday gift for a special kid in your life. For each book sold through the book’s website (, 25% of the proceeds go to the Coalition. Just write “Please support Prairie Dog Coalition” in the comment section of your order. Click here to find out more and read a letter from the author. Thanks!








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