More Cucumber Inspiration: Tzatziki

Our friend Betsy took a cue from the cucumber theme this week and did a wonderful account of her time spent in Greece 12 years ago for her honeymoon, where she fell in deeply in love with Greek life…and Tzatziki, particularly when the classic cucumber-yogurt sauce is served with Souvlaki.

“Every time I eat this, it transports me back to that small taverna on a mountainside, smelling the fragrance of pork, thyme and garlic, eating Al fresco, and drinking locally made Retsina wine from a pop bottle, and all the while watching the shepherds herding their Kri-Kri (Cretan goats) across the peaceful mountain terrain.”

Read her memorable account, “Glorious Greece: Part 1, Tzatziki,” on her new blog, Bits & Breadcrumbs.

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