Being Neighborly

Stopped by a roadside vegetable stand last weekend and met up with Mary Lee, owner of Lindrock Farm. After buying vegetables and three jars of her honey (she’s a beekeeper), she offered a tour of her place. Flower gardens, vegetable gardens, fresh herbs, beehives, pecan trees, blackberry bushes, her cute young chickens…I was a little overwhelmed not only by her beautiful, 80-odd acres, but by the warm hospitality shown to a stranger. By the time I left, Mary Lee had shown me how to improve our tomato garden next year, how to fry up her fresh-picked eggplant so Adrian D’Avanzo would eat it (which he did) and pointed out the way to nearby Chimney Peak mountain summit for a fall picnic. Oh, and then she gave us the name of a great local massage therapist, her cousin Barbara, who owns another
farm down the road and who we then
spontaneously called up to say hello. 
Read more about Mary Lee’s beekeeping here.

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