‘this is the way to go!’




merlinannwinslowMerlin by Ann Winslow

A beautiful account of how friendship and farm life helped a young girl find her way through the tumultuous teenage years — and how time in the country helped bring her the peace she so needed.

Thanks to our friend Sarah who shared it. You’ve known all along the secret: that a farm feeds not only animals and humans, but also souls. And to our own sweet Merlin who, while living at Linden Hill Farm, often modeled…perhaps unwittingly…for Ann’s drawings.


From Winslow’s Bread Shop…

“My sister posted in Facebook a picture of jonquils on her farm in Virginia, causing me to think of my friend Sarah, who lives on a farm in north Georgia. When I was small, Sarah was someone who worked for my father. I’m trying to remember how I was reintroduced to her as a friend, but I can’t. An email from Sarah reminds me. In this message, Bob refers to my father, and Ford refers to my brother. Sarah writes: Your dad brought you and Ford out to visit…long before the cabin was built. I think you may have been five.

Incident 1: We were all in the lower pasture looking at the spring. I offered to put you and Ford on a horse and lead you for the long trek back up the hill. You chose to ride and after a few steps, turned and called to Bob and Ford…”hey, guys, this is the way to go!” I think you won my heart at that moment.

Incident 2: We took a pitcher of feed down to the big oak tree to feed the goats. You grabbed the pitcher and waded right into the herd, sat down and proceeded to distribute feed to the pushy ladies, totally unafraid of their horns. I think maybe Bob and I were the only ones the least bit worried.”  Read more…

– See more at: http://winslowsbreadshop.com/work-as-teacher-4/#sthash.GiKqgbBl.dpuf

My sister posted in facebook a picture of jonquils on her farm in Virginia, causing me to think of my friend Sarah, who lives on a farm in north Georgia. When I was small, Sarah was someone who worked for my father. I’m trying to remember how I was reintroduced to her as a friend, but I can’t. An email from Sarah reminds me. In this message, Bob refers to my father, and Ford refers to my brother. Sarah writes:

Your dad brought you and Ford out to visit…long before the cabin was built. I think you may have been five.
Incident 1: we were all in the lower pasture looking at the spring. I offered to put you and Ford on a horse and lead you for the long trek back up the hill. You chose to ride and after a few steps, turned and called to Bob and Ford…”hey, guys, this is the way to go!” I think you won my heart at that moment.
Incident 2: We took a pitcher of feed down to the big oak tree to feed the goats. You grabbed the pitcher and waded right into the herd, sat down and proceeded to distribute feed to the pushy ladies, totally unafraid of their horns. I think maybe Bob and I were the only ones the least bit worried.

– See more at: http://winslowsbreadshop.com/work-as-teacher-4/#sthash.GiKqgbBl.dpuf

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