More Dog Tales

Now, for more on the animals…

Ellie came into our lives two years ago when Arielle was a high school senior. Our daughter convinced us (well, convinced me) that she would not live through her senior year without a Yorkie. So, being the protective mom that I am, we found a small litter in the paper on a rainy Sunday morning. Arielle and I jumped in the car and drove to Austell, stopping by the ATM along the way to clean out our checking accounts. And all the while Mike kept yelling things like, “Absolutely not!” “We are NOT getting another dog.” “How much does that dog cost?” “I don’t want an indoor dog.” “You better not get that dog!” Fast forward about two hours and Arielle and I pulled up the driveway with our new pup “Ellie,” weighing all of about a half a pound. We’re all jumping up and down in the kitchen giddy with excitement and Mike’s locked himself in the study with his computer and won’t come out. In fact, Dad didn’t speak to us all day and all night. The next day the kids headed to school, I went to the office, and there’s Mike and Ellie alone–all day. I don’t know what happened, but when we got home she was still alive. Mike didn’t acknowledge her that evening and for about two days more, but somewhere along the line that little pup wormed her way into his heart and now they are BFF. Oh and by the way, Arielle survived her senior year at Grady. She went on to UGA and left Ellie behind to live with us. And now none of us can imagine life without her.

P.S. Lil’ Miss Ellie gets on just fine with the Danes. But when we’re at the farm she mostly stays indoors. We’ve already seen a few coyotes and, well, surely you heard about Jessica Simpson’s poor little Daisy…

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