farm lessons: birds gone wild

In the last two weeks our chickens, Sam-n-Ella, have decided to spread their wings, literally. Last weekend we found them out on the county road at dusk, and I looked quite the fool scrambling around in running shorts and clogs trying to catch them and bring them home. Then, we brought all the animals back to Atlanta and within 24 hours those #@*&^!* birds were hopping over fences, visiting neighbors, messing with the construction guys next door and wreaking havoc. So we decided to clip their wings — except that Mike and the kids were just “too busy” to help so I had to go it alone. Thank heavens for Janet of Green Urban Living in New Zealand. Found her video on YouTube, watched it twice, then headed outside with a pair of sharp scissors and an attitude. Of course, taking on this task in shorts and flip-flops was probably not the best choice of wardrobe, as those two gals put up quite a fight and I still have the scratches on one arm and leg to prove it. But we got the job done and now the hens are happily ensconced in the back yard, laying eggs, eating bugs, taunting the Danes and, most importantly, staying put!

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