stoney love

After we bought the property a few years ago, Buster (our hay expert) told Mike that a big truck had crashed into one of the stone pillars that once stood at the driveway entrance and demolished it. The owners, then elderly, never had the column rebuilt. Buster happened to mention in a later conversation that old Mr. Smith used to sit down by the creek for hours on end just ‘soaking’ in the view. Last year we discovered a big pile of stones buried among briars and poison ivy near the back pasture — the former pillar, now lying in a heap in the woods. Thanks to Adrian and his friends, we heaved every one of those big beautiful rocks onto the back of the Rhino and transported them down to the creek where Mike and the boys made a new campsite. Now the old pillar has been brought back to life as a campfire circle overlooking the Tallaseehatchee Creek. I know we will enjoy it for years to come. But more importantly, we hope Mr. & Mrs. Smith will enjoy the view, too, from somewhere up there. 🙂


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