A Barn Dollhouse

Okay, back to Dolly in Providence. Ever thoughtful, Big Sis came across this rather large barn dollhouse in the basement of a friend’s home. It was a gift to her children built by a local craftsman, and the kids loved and played with it for years–even adding real hay to the stalls. Recently widowed, with both her daughters now living on the West Coast, Dolly’s friend is cleaning out her New England family home and decided to part with this keepsake. So my sister convinced us to adopt it for our farm. Well, her sweet barn gift arrived at my office today in a five-foot box that could have held a human (or so noted our UPS man). When I texted to ask her how much I owed for shipping, she wrote back, “You don’t even want to know. I will tell you some night when you are drunk.” Now, it’s probably a safe bet that Arielle and Adrian D’Avanzo aren’t going to play with this barn-house anytime soon, but Mom and her horse-lovin’ friends just might. And then, there’s always those future grandkids…

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