Labor Day Weekend


Here’s to making hay while the sun shines. And to those who work with their hands and hearts. And for our friends (and my sweet hubby) who toiled for three days in the intense summer heat to cut, bale, stack and haul 704 square bales–about 30,000 lbs.–of big, beautiful, healthy grass. So thankful for their labor these last few days…and feeling grateful to Mother Nature…and to the late Colonel ‘Red’ Tutwiler, who planned and built this special place nearly 50 years ago. We are merely its keepers for the time being and feel blessed to be so.

Whan the sunne shinth make hay. Whiche is to say. Take time whan time cometh, lest time steale away.

(Old English Proverb, 1546)

See images from past hay cuttings here, here or here.

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