For those of you who know us, you probably know that, in addition to our four dogs, we also have four horses. Thus far, I haven’t written much about them here. Not sure why—perhaps it’s because our farm is still a-ways away from being their permanent home. For now, they’re in the hands of some good friends in GA and SC, and words can hardly express our gratitude for the loving attention these friends give the horses every day on their own farms.
But allow us to at least introduce them. Here are Merlin, Twig, Dane and Rio (former show names: Bag of Tricks, Ontario, Delacroix and Rialto).
Like me, the horse show world is now behind them; today, we all spend our days on quieter pastures. This spring—if all goes well—the horses will move onto Our Green Acres. And as with most everything else at our little farm, we’ll just have to figure stuff out, learn how to take care of these equine charges, and surround ourselves with smart folks along the way to provide support and guidance. More on this adventure next spring. 🙂